The STAR Awards (Showcasing Teamwork, Awarding Recognition) are coordinated by AONTAS as part of the annual Adult Learners’ Festival to acknowledge the fantastic work undertaken by adult education groups in Ireland. That’s why the Star Award categories focus on promoting wellbeing; social inclusion; digital inclusion; and ensuring that the learner’s voice is heard.
Since its inception in 2007 over 1,000 adult learning initiatives across a wide variety of areas – including arts, mental health, addiction and disability – have been recognised through the STAR Awards.
The first phase was completing the Application and sending it to Aontas The second phase of the judging process involved members of the panel meeting with shortlisted initiatives in each category to decide on a wining group. Our category is Wellbeing. So on Monday, February 5th, a group from NCCWN/ACCESS 2000 had an informal meeting with a panel of judges to showcase our work and the difference it made to the lives of the learners who participated in the Garden Project.
The big announcement will be on Monday, March 5th were all projects shortlisted are invited to the Aontas Star Awards Ceremony where the winners in each category will be announced. This is a huge achievement for everyone involved and we are keeping our fingers crossed! For that all important Award!.