ACCESS in an authorised training & testing centre for the following certification bodies
As the national awarding body for further education and training in Ireland, the Further Education and Training Awards Council (QQI ) gives people the opportunity to gain recognition for learning in education or training centres, in the work place and in the community.

ICS SKILLS is the skills and certification division of the Irish Computer Society. As an organisation, it was formerly known as ECDL Ireland, and it now administers a much wider array of programmes. ICS SKILLS is a not-for-profit organisation .As well as ECDL, ICS SKILLS is responsible for delivering Equalskills, ECDL Advanced, ECDL Specialist, Certified Training Professional, ICS SKILLSCERT, EUCIP and ChooseIT.

Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board (WWETB) provides a comprehensive range of education and training services throughout Waterford and Wexford and is the largest education and training provider in counties Waterford and Wexford.
WWETB’s educational and training provision includes second-level schools, further education colleges and a range of adult and further education centres delivering education and training programmes, Post Leaving Certificate Courses (PLCs), Youthreach Centres, Outdoor Education and Youth Services.
Waterford and Wexford ETB places learning and the learner at the heart of its educational provision and I hope this website will give you an insight into the wide range of programmes and services we offer.

AONTAS the National Adult Learning Organisation, a voluntary membership organisation. It exists to promote the development of a learning society through the provision of a quality and comprehensive system of adult learning and education which is accessible to and inclusive to all.
AONTAS promotes the importance of adult and community education as a key part of lifelong learning. It influences the development of policy and lobbies on behalf of the sector. It facilitates networking among members and supports their work.
ACCESS 2000 was part of 17 women’s projects who participated in the Aontas Quality Assurance Framework. The QAF was developed by, for and with all kinds of women’s community education organisations and groups around Ireland. It expresses the vision, aspirations, goals, principles and dimensions of women’s community education, which is a unique type of education. Womens Community Education is different because staff, volunteers, learners and management members work together not only to educate each other, but also to make the changes in our society that are necessary for women to become equal to men regardless of their backgrounds