Mosaic Project 2016/2017
In September 2016 a group of 20 very nervous women who had never worked in the area of Mosaic/Tiles started a discussion to design and create a large scale mosaic to celebrate our 20th anniversary. The mosaic was to be a replica of our logo and to be based on connectivity and growth of the project over the past 20 years. Each individual piece would also represent the various activities of the project and what ACCESS means to women who participated in these activities. Working on this project enabled the women to imagine the unimaginable, and to connect to the past, the present, and the future, sometimes simultaneously. We are now thrilled to say that the very colourful, charming and highly impressive mosaic has now been ‘rooted’ in our community garden for many years and hopefully will be enjoyed by everyone who visits our project. Without the financial support of The Arts Department of Wexford County Council, this project would not have been possible and we wish to express our sincere thanks to them. The Artist, Mary Wallace, who throughout the entire project, was extremely supportive and kind in relation to her support to the women, her patience and enthusiasm particularly in relation to including the women on every step of the project from the design, choosing colours, breaking tiles and ‘weather predictions’ . All of the women wish to say a huge Thank you to Mary and to say how proud they are of their accomplishment. They have learned a skill which they can now pass on to others in their communities. In June 2017 we hope to have a launch of the mosaic where people from various communities and people who support ACCESS consistently throughout the year will be invited to view this very decorative piece representing the success of ACCESS for years to come.